Since ancient history, aloe vera juice has been mentioned for its therapeutic properties. See (history of aloe vera). However, over the last century and with the development of analytical methods to assess quality and quantity, it has been ascertained scientifically that the leaves of the different varieties of aloe vera have extremely diverse chemical compositions.

The benefits obtained by consuming aloe vera juice are exposed in a study by biochemist and pharmacist D. Ricardo Gampel Trajterman who has dedicated the past 30 years studying aloe vera juice in the United States. The benefits are the summary of the paper on the therapeutic uses of aloe vera that he developed in May 2002 at the Botanical Garden of Madrid, within the framework of the Phytotherapy and Ethnobotany Seminar, as well as for RICARDO GAMPEL? immuno-pharmacologist and specialist in Natural Therapies by the University of Buenos Aires.

There are scientific studies that did not produce the desired results, which has been attributed to various reasons, as stated by Doctors Coats and Henderson:

  • Application of the wrong species of aloe vera
  • The use of plants considered to be unripe or not mature (under 5 years old) (see how to identify a high-quality aloe vera)
  • Inadequate processing, by using low quality or poorly stabilized produce, using procedures that affect some of its components (see how to process aloevera)
  • In relation to the crops, inadequate soil or contamination by agrochemicals such as pesticides (see the importance of ecological aloe vera)

Our aloe vera juice is obtained from the pulp of the Aloe Barbadensis, which is free from aloin andother laxative anthraquinone substances. This means it is safe to ingest orally and guarantees the content of biologically active polysaccharides, whilst maintaining the colour and taste -not altogether unpleasant- of the aloe vera juice.

Many testimonies, scientific research and clinical studies praise the notable beneficial effectsof a daily consumption of stabilized aloe vera in patients of various pathologies.


We recommend taking aloe vera for the following pathologies:

Stomach problems

  • Gastric ulcers (notable effects in many cases of tissue regeneration and healing), gastritis, heart burn, inflamed intestine illness.


The common factor in these cases is theirritation of the stomach mucus; and in the case of ulcers this mucus is damaged. The aloe vera juice repairs, protects and regenerates the gastric mucosa and heals the wounds. It also prevents the reproduction of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori that is the cause of most ulcers and gastritis and recovers the internal pH of the stomach, regenerating the intestinal bacterial flora.

• Chronic constipation (with regulation of intestinal transit)

The juice of aloe vera helps in the action of the intestinal movements, and regenerates the intestinal flora, alleviating constipation. It maintains balance by restoring the number of healthy bacteria. This will help repair the damaged tissue in the intestine and stimulate all the digestive glands to function properly: the stomach, kidneys, gallbladder and liver.

Cleanser for the colon.

Aloe vera juice is the ideal complement in a diet based on fruits and vegetables. This aloe vera juice eliminates toxic faecal accumulation in the colon stored there for a long time. It also allows us to rebuild cells in the colon while cleansing, eliminating excess negative flora such as yeast and bacteria. For all these reasons do not hesitate to become a ´juicer´, and try one of our detox juices:

• See juice of cucumber, pineapple, parsley and aloe vera juice

• See cucumber juice, green apple and aloe vera juice

• See spinach juice, chard, orange and aloe vera juice

• See lemon juice, warm water, cinnamon and aloe vera juice


•              Cholesterol

Cholesterol along with hypertension are two problems of daily life. Aloe vera is one of the foods that help reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Sciences and Vitaminology suggests that regular consumption of this magic potion can help the liver production of cholesterol lower by approximately 30%.

Strengthens the immune system

The immune system has the function of protecting us from bacteria, viruses and cells that attack our body. The juice of aloe vera favours the production of lymphocytes, which are the cells responsible for combating relevant diseases and infections, properties such as germanium and acemannan act directly on the body's immune system in a positive way.

Stimulates the immune response against cancer

In a study published in the Japanese medical journal in 1994, Yakkak Hoeji states "aloe vera juice can help prolong the life time and boost the immune system of cancer patients."

 In a simultaneous experiment of human cancer cells (outside the body) it was found that large doses of aloe vera suppress the growth of these cancer cells. The researchers, who wrote in cancer immunology and immunotherapy, found a component of Aloe (lecithin), which when injected daily into tumours activates the immune system to attack cancer. The deadly T cells, white blood cells that invade the cells and destroy them, begin to attack the tumour cells, injected with lecithin.

Eliminates free radicals

The rich composition of aloe vera juice makes this plant an ideal formula to fight against them. The key lies in the presence of vitamins with antioxidant power A, C and E and the concentrations of Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium and Germanium, elements endowed with the ability to remove heavy metals.

Reduces HIV infection

An extract of "mannose", obtained in one of the sugars of Aloe, can inhibit HIV-1 (the AIDS virus). In 1991 a study of molecular biotherapy, with cells treated in vitro (outside the body) with Mannose extract, showed that Aloe decreases reproduction by 30%, reducing the total amount of virus, and increasing the viability of cells infected (chances to survive).

Reduces the swelling caused by arthritis

Aloe vera juice can prevent arthritis, and reduce inflammation in joints that are already affected by the disease. Aloe vera can inhibit the autoimmune reactions associated with certain forms of arthritis, where the body attacks its own tissues. Several compounds of aloe vera juice demonstrated anti-arthritic activity. According to research, an organic acid of Aloe reduces inflammation by 79.7% and suppresses the auto immune response by 42.4%. Another component of Aloe (Antraquinone) reduces inflammation by 67.3%, but had no effect on the autoimmune system.

Reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients

Aloe vera juice can lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar and reducing triglycerides. For best results, drink aloe vera juice regularly for three months to see a significant decrease in fasting blood sugar levels.

Aloe vera reduces the blood sugar levels of diabetics, (according to a Hormone Research). Five patients with adult diabetes were administered ½ teaspoon of Aloe vera juice daily for 14 weeks. Blood sugar levels were reduced in all patients by an average of 45% without undergoing change in their total weight.


The recommended dosis by different neuropathic specialists is 1 20-25ml measure once a day on an empty stomach.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: During pregnancy or lactation women should not drink this juice, it is likely that the uterus is stimulated and generates contractions. It could also affect the baby through breast milk. You can find our organic aloe vera juice, with the highest percentage of acemanna on the market, click here! One of the best aloe veras in the world. An unmistakable color and flavor make Pure Aloe, a unique aloe vera juice.